Sunday, May 21, 2006

How Do You Deal With Frustrations?

May 21, 2006
James 1:2-4
Mike Napier

What is faith being tested? Frustration

anything that distracts you from your daily routine.
anything that sets you off.
anything that pushes your buttons.

Maybe it is something you deal with on a daily basis or maybe something that crosses your path from time to time....

Write down your top 3 frustrations right now:

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________

The word of God encourages us to embrace the frustration believing by faith that in the end, it will be for our best!

1. Who should embrace a frustration?

Perhaps even a better question is:

Who here will face frustration this week?
everyone will!!

Which means we will all have an opportunity to grow.
(James 1:3-4a)

Who should embrace frustrations/trouble?

Everyone that desires to grow in their relationship with God!

2. Why should we embrace a frustration?

Embracing frustration- isn't that an oxymoron.

Joy is something that you: (James 1:2)

Desire to be part of
Want to be close to

We can allow the circumstance to push our buttons and we lose our temper and do/say things that we later regret OR we can respond in a right and true way...A way that would draw others to God, not push them away. When we respond this way we bear a 3 fold witness:

a. To God
b. To other believers.
c. To the world.

We do not know if we are living by Faith until we do it or fail.

3. How should we embrace a frustration?

Remember that frustrations are not always spiritual warfare.. it can be how we respond to the frustration.

Romans 5:1-5 (NLT)
Ephesians 6:10-13
John 16:33


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