Sunday, June 11, 2006

Manipulators & Controllers: Don't Fall For It

June 11, 2006
Dr. Roger Ferguson, Sr. Pastor

THEME: Only two things matter: a healthy relationship with God through Christ is foremost. Healthy relationships with others flow out of our walk with God. In our sermon series on "Sandpaper People: Treating Right Those who rub you wrong." you will see how to handle those who seek to control you. Is Christ in control of your life?

I. Break the power of a manipulator who seeks to control your life.
(Judges 16)
1. Manipulators use flattery, threats, and guilt to compel you to please them. (Judges 16:5-6, 10, 13, 15-16)

2. Manipulators are relentless to use you and then they'll abuse you.
(Judges 16:19-21)

II. Find your approval in Christ and redefine the relationship with the manipulators. (John 10:10-16)

1. Follow Jesus above all others.
(John 10:10-11)

2. Influence others like Jesus does.
(John 10:12-15)

"Follow me as I follow the example of Christ." I Corinthians 11:1

3. Welcome others as Jesus does.
(John 10:16-18)

Act on what you have heard!
1. If you have someone who is trying to manipulate you, how do you need to redefine the relationship with them and renew your walk with God.
2. If you are a manipulator, repent before God and work to restore relationships.
3. Jesus is Lord only when you value His Word above all others Will you ask Christ to forgive your sin and be the leader of your life?


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